Sunday, November 6, 2016

Zootopia Analysis

           I feel Zootopia did a very good job in quietly discussing one of the major issues of the day. Racism is viewed in Zootopia, and specifically the stereotypes and stigmas that may be associated with certain "archetypes", through the lens of the animal kingdom and the predator-prey relationship between certain animals. The movie attacks this stereotyping and racism on multiple fronts, two of the main ones being that the predators  and prey are expected to act a certain way, and that being a certain type of predator can make things even worse for one, and the damage it can do to ones psyche. The former of these fronts can be made parallel to the race problem that stems from the belief that due to the color of ones skin, they are born a specific way, liable to be either part of the criminal element or part of the aristocracy.
            This is evident when the citizens of Zootopia rapidly blame the predators of their society for the outbursts of a few on what must be "them being born that way" instead of looking for and identifying what external factors could be causing it. this is essentially what happens in our society when people may blame the ethnicity or color of a person for their actions, rather than looking at why they did something, or whatever outside factors motivated the person in question to act a certain way. 
the outside factor in our society being what is usually considered an environmental factor such as education of income. this is perfectly represented by having an actual part of the Zootopia environment part of whats causing these tensions. 
            The second act of this analysis is to also shed light on the issue that stereotyping has on the perception of ones self, and also the perception others may have of the subject. By playing on the trickster character that foxes usually portray in folklore, the makers of Zootopia put Nick Wilde in the perfect position to show the issues of inter-sectional racism and prejudice. By being a predator in that specific time, he was already looked at negatively, but by also being a fox there is additional stress put upon him. to the point that he justifies his own behavior at certain times by saying "Its what foxes do" because of how warped his self-perception is due to the barrage of inter-sectional-racism he experienced as a child.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Hong Lyu #4

                The movie introduces Zootopia city through an elementary school Drama – it’s a great and peaceful place where all the animals can get along. The protagonist Judy- a cute female rabbit from Bunny Burrow, her dream is to be a police officer. Everyone laughs at her dream, and her parents even try to stop her. But she didn’t give up. She overcomes all the difficulties. Finally she was assigned to work in Zootopia, which is her dream city. She thought her dream will be complete in Zootopia, but the story was just begun. Judy thought she would be a successful police officer in this “perfect city”, but the fact is that no one regards her as a real police officer. In others opinion, the rabbits can only stay at the small village and farm the carrot. Everyone calls her the “cute little bunny”, “carrot” with dismissive tone. No one believes that a small rabbit can be the cop and solve the case. So she just got an unimpressive job to putting the tickets for illegal parking vehicles. But this is not what she want, it’s not enough for her only to be at Zootopia, her dream is to be a real cop. So she began to track the biggest case that reported to the police office. Finally she and her best partner, fox Nick, found out and caught the plotter behind this case- a sheep who is the vice mayor of Zootopia. Zootopia is an impressive and inspiring movie. In the real world, Rabbits gives people an impression of small and timid. But the police jobs need strength and courage-it’s hard to connect these two things together. But Judy becomes a successful police officer in this movie. Foxes are predator for rabbits and they should be enemy. But in this movie, fox Nick became the best friend with rabbit Judy and they even experienced death together. Also fox gives people an impression of sly and slippery, but Nick is a great partner of Judy, and finally he became an honest policeman. On the contrary, the meek and loyal sheep is the vicious plotter behind this big plot in Zootopia, which is a surprising reversal in this movie. Also the fearful gang leader Mr. Big is a small shrew… These oppositions are not only suggest the distinctive features of this crazy city where “anyone can be anything”, but also it’s a way to construct this great utopia world. What’s more, Zootopia represents the dream. When Judy tries to pursue her dream, she stuck there by the cruel reality and the director of police office even wants to take her badge. But she chooses to persist on her dream. Finally she gets the reorganization by the public through her own efforts. At the end of the movie, Judy said: “No matter what type of animal you are, I implore you to try, try to make the world a better place”, which encourages more people to pursue their “utopia” and to make a better world.

Zootopia Jiachengyu

“It’s not about how badly you want something. It’s about what you are capable of.” Zootopia introduces a gleaning city which is consisted of various animals. Every citizen who settles in this animal kingdom can do anything they want. No matter who are you, everybody has dreams. I like this movie not only because the movie itself, but also because this movie can teach both kids and their parents the strength of dream.
Zootopia’s protagonist is a bunny, called Judy Hopps, wants to be a police when she was a kid; however, in everyone’s mind, Judy can never be a police because she is a tiny rabbit. Even though no one believed her, Judy continue trying hard to make her dream become true, and show to everyone that she can be a police, also encourage everyone to be what they want to be. Although she passed the test for being a policewoman, she is still not important as other colleague, and Judy always receives easy tasks. Although she feels too boring and insignificant, Judy still works hard and sticks to finish her job. Her endeavor pays back, in one big case, which lots of predator gets lost and gets inject by some medicine that can make them crazy. She does not be afraid of facing the authority around her and the dangerous situation she cannot imagine. Finally she obtains everyone’s agreement of being a respectful policewoman.
In the real life, many adults do not persist in their dreams. Some of them maybe complain about their poor family background, backward education, and strict parents. Why some people like this cannot insist on their own dream, instead of keep trying hard, they are blaming on their parents, environment, and background.

The movie showed that everyone should try their best to achieve the dreams. Although life is full of ups and downs, also the way to make your dream come true is very difficult; however, do not waive your dream away, try your best and you will be successful one day, and you will be appreciated by the effort that you put on yourself, because “there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Charles Eno Zootopia

The movie Zootopia has a very significant double meaning, which is revealed in several aspects of the film. The most important message on the film is that of society- social class, race, prejudice and opportunity. The main character, a bunny named Judy Hopps comes from a small town where rabbits and other small mammals are constantly intimidated by foxes and other larger animals. In one scene, a fox steals fair tickets from some friends of hers, and she retaliates and retrieves the tickets but in turn is marked by a scar on her face and is told she would never amount to much of anything, and reminded by the foxes of a time when foxes could eat rabbits. That same rhetoric is reminiscent of a time when African Americans, especially in the South would be reminded slavery and constantly under the threat of white supremacists. Going back to the movie, Hopps is determined to prove others wrong and enrolls herself om a Police Academy with the hopes of becoming an officer someday. She goes against the odds and managers to graduate at the top of her class before moving to Zootopia.  Zootopia is a utopic metropolis where mammals cohabit in presumably peaceful conditions. Upon her arrival, she finds that a lot of the prejudice she found back home was present in Zootopia. There's still a strong sense of social division and prejudice, Judy gets a job at the Zootopia police department but is denied reasonable job positions like her coworkers, instead she's listed as a "meter maid." This relates to our society in the sense that for many people, it doesn't matter how hard you work in life, people are always going to perceive you as they please and not necessarily for who you truly are. She finds herself working alongside a fox, who as a predator is generally looked down upon in 90% prey Zootopia. She is unable to solve one of her first big cases without the help of this fox. She learns the significance of people putting aside their differences and working under common purpose. She also learns to not judge by stereotype after a sheep frames predators in order to stay in power by spreading an epidemic in which predator animals lash out and act "savage-like", a stereotype that doesn't necessarily apply to them. There are other less significant messages in the film that deal with issues such as stereotypes and prejudice. At the end of the film, Judy learns that no society is perfect and that we're only as good as our worst off, most disadvantaged citizens. I also find the role of police in the film interesting due to current social issues involving police and their relations to the public, especially minorities in the U.S.

Joonoh Blog #4

Separation and discrimination are the key ideas of the movie “Zootopia”. In the movie, there is an ideal place called Zootopia, where all animals including, predator and prey, all live-in harmony. Supposedly, in Zootopia, all animals have the freedom to become whatever they want. However, in reality, this wasn’t the case. The movie accurately depicts the ideas of social expectation and how everyone who don’t comply with those expectations are considered as irregular. The movie is a great representation of how people see others as stereotypes. For example, in the scene where Judy tells her parents that she wants to be a police officer, her parents show puzzlement and some disapproval. Her parents expect her “bunny” daughter to become a carrot farmer like every other bunny, stay away from predator jobs such as “police officers”. Predators in this movie is depicted as superior to the prey population, which isn’t explicitly stated in the movie. The differences in the movie represent the racial and ethnic differences and the tension that results from it. However, the movie brings a positive message to the audience by showing the success of Judy in the end. Showing that it takes courage and perseverance to defy social expectations and change what other people think about a specific group, race, or ethnicity. Judy changes the way bunnies are perceived by being the first to defy social expectations. 

Savannah Crawford Post #4

Zootopia - Analysis

Can you imagine a place where everyone could be their complete selves? Maybe even a place where everyone accepted others, no matter their background, race, ethnicity and culture? I can. But, do you know of any places that are completely like that? I didn’t think so. The newest utopian Disney movie, Zootopia is a utopia completely composed of animals. The animals are in complete control of the society, they control how they live, what they do and how they do it. The two main characters in the movie are a bunny rabbit named Judy Hopps and a fox named Nick Wilde who are trying to solve the cases that is taking the Zootopia Police Department forever. In the beginning of the movie, we are introduced to Judy being a little girl, however in this case a little bunny, performing in a play displaying the connection between the idea of “vicious” predators and “meek” prey. Judy, is an innocent, hardworking and determined bunny to make a change and make Zootopia a better place while trying to accomplish being the first bunny policewoman. Her view on Zootopia is relatively positive. However, she is in for an awakening. Nick, on the other hand, is introduced as a con hustling fox and as we all know, foxes are slick and “sly”. This is where the predator and prey connection comes into play. Nick says he knows “everyone” in Zootopia, which is ultimately true. When Nick and Judy first encounter each other, he is awfully rude to her and Judy gets discouraged by what he is saying, but overtime they realize that the two of them make a great team. I noticed that from her childhood years until she attended the Police Academy, her parents thought she could stay home and be a great carrot farmer, Gideon, the fox who assaulted her when she was nine told her she would never be able to do it, and her instructor at boot camp was very discouraging. In life, women are always faced with what they shouldn’t do as opposed to society telling them what they have the power to accomplish. Zootopia exposes the truth, irony, forms of oppression, judgement and displaying common stereotypes that occur in our everyday lives. These things are displayed through different scenes of the movie. For example, a scene occurred on a train when a mother and her baby were approached by a cheetah that sits next to them. The mother pulls her child closer to her because she fears the “predator”. In life, many people face oppression by skin tone, looks, fashion, style or whatever the case may be. If you aren’t doing what society wants you to do, you are then labeled. Zootopia expresses so many relatable topics and events that happen in our everyday lives that hits home for a lot of us. This isn’t your average Disney movie; this movie literally preaches to the choir with the use of animals to help depict a modern-day picture of our modern-day society.

Vj zootopia

          A world full of animals  that are talking and being what they want and who they want to be is the definition of Zootopia, well sort of. In this Disney animated movie, it shows how racial discrimination is in this society as well.  A brief summary of this story is that it was a young farm town bunny named Judy and she wanted to be a real police officer but all her life she was told to be a carrot farmer or a person writing tickets for a parking. Her partner in crime was a fox, Nick Wilde, and he was known to be bad because it was in his so-called DNA. The predators and the prey were living with each other in peace because the predator stops messing with the prey since the stone age. However, some predators were showing symptoms that they were tracing back to their roots again.
        Now the discrimination comes into play when you think about our society now. Like this movie couldn't have come better than the time it came out. Our community is getting worse with police brutality and racism. the same way occurs in the movie because they judge a book by its cover basically. Therefore, this zootopia world that supposed to be a perfect place to be in isn't so perfect. In conclusion, people in real life or the animals in zootopia should give everyone the same opportunity and equal rights as any other person or animals.

Jillian English Blog Post #4


Disney is known for packing powerful messages into kid friendly films and Zootopia was no different. Zootopia follows an ambitious bunny named Judy with hopes to become the first bunny cop of the land. Zootopia is built around the idea that all animals, no matter the species, can live together harmoniously. At first glance this racial allegory seems to have the prey represent the minority groups and the predators as the majority, however I found out that it’s the opposite.  Judy Hopps enters the police force through the new “Mammal Inclusion Initiative” which very much favors affirmative action. However, later in the movie we find out that prey makes up 90% of the population dismissing my beliefs that the prey was in fact the minority group. As the story progresses, random predators around Zootopia turn “savage” due to injections from tractor juice. This is an allusion to the 1980s crack epidemic where an influx of crack in minority communities caused chaos. This epidemic kills the peaceful dynamic in Zootopia. One scene that really portray the prejudice is when Judy was on the train and a bunny pulled her kids away from the tiger that sat in the seat next to her. The mother was trying to protect her children while the tiger’s eyes showed how upset he was because he truly means ton harm. Also, even Judy herself is discriminatory, she tells the press that predators are naturally “savage”. I didn’t like the fact that the minority groups are considered the predators. I feel like this just reinforces the twisted ideas of the real world that minority naturally are more savage then their counterparts. However, I don’t believe Zootopia did this on purpose. They try to dismiss the claims that some animals are more savage then others, however on the allegorical side they are just simply reinforcing the idea that minority groups are the “savage” ones.  Overall, Zootopia highlights the different obstacles minorities overcome when integrating into a new society. Zootopia represents our natural instincts of judging based on looks and dirty rumors while trying to look past them to make a more peaceful society in the face of true ugliness.

Jamie Schwartz Post #4

The allegory behind Zootopia represents a society of animals that have long ago shed their primal “savage” instincts and now live in peace. The land of Zootopia is the culmination of everything these animals have achieved, and as Judy insists, a place “where anyone can be anything.” However, taking a closer look at the conflict in the movie, I realized that the predator-prey tension draws close parallels to racial and ethnic tension in our own society. This can be seen from the very beginning of the movie, when Judy’s parents tell stay wary of foxes. Despite that predators and prey live together, there is still an undertone of distrust between them, similarly to the subtle prejudices that people in our society have towards people of different gender, race, or sexuality than their own.
During the part of the movie when it is revealed that predators are biologically predisposed to being savages, I was reminded of the White Man’s Burden, the rhetoric used in the pre-Civil War era. This phrase falsely implied that black people were too “savage” to function normally in society, and that white people had an “obligation” to “save” them.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and its interpretation of utopian society.

Darius Zootopia

In Zootopia you see a verity of messages to be seen by an unsuspecting young audience. To me the most prevalent message was that of race. At first the races that were being represented weren’t specified. But it all became clear when the bunny cop was called a “token” which is a black person put in a certain position to please the black community. There was never a bunny on the force so I feel like she was going to be promoted to police status because it was time to have a bunny on there. That part was pretty like affirmative action because even though the other predators didn’t have to get perfect scores to be on the force the bunny did so they had to hire her. In some aspects, but all, I saw the bunnies mixed people and the predators as full black people. The reason I see it like that because of how to animals were dressed. They had on track suits and chains. It was clear that they were black because of how to police were handling them when they went “savage”. Speaking of going “savage”, this brings a great point to light. When the bunny is asked about the predators going “savage” she says it’s not their fault, it’s in their DNA to go “savage” because they are predators. This statement is the main reason I think the bunny was mixed. That statement was extremely racist and she didn’t know why. The fox feels offended and the children that watched this movie probably didn’t catch what I caught. The bunny pulled an Uncle Tom move. An Uncle Tom is a black person who does something to sell out their own. That is exactly what happened there. Another observation I made was the little animals. The assistant to the mayor kept saying that the small animals need to stick together. I saw them as white people because a lot of white people think their race is dying out so they need to stick together.