Friday, November 4, 2016

Zootopia analysis

         Zootopia is a utopia ,because it is where  predator and prey live together. The predators are no longer "savage". The dream of Zootopia is that there you can be anything you want.  This movie parodies The Godfather and the Dmv, but the main topics of this movie are stereotypes, prejudice, and racial profiling.
          Judy is a bunny. She wants to be a cop. The stereotype is that a bunny cant be a cop, but she doesn't fit this narrative , because she ends up graduating from the police academy at the top of her class. Even though she proved she was worthy she still faced prejudices at her job. When her boss was assigning jobs he made her a meter maid instead of giving her a real job. Judy's situation is what many women face. There are lots of jobs that are deemed as a job that a woman cant do. And even when a woman does get the job they still are not treated the same as their male coworkers.
           Nick is a fox. The stereotypes about fox in this movie is that they are shifty, sly, and non trustworthy. When we first see Nick he is being profiled by Judy. She sees him going into an ice cream parlor and follows him in. Inside the parlor the Elephant who worked their made comment like "Aren't there any fox ice cream parlors." He also insinuates that ,because he is a fox he cant read. He even said something to like he gets to decide who gets to come inside. Lastly when Judy and Nick were trying to explain where the Jaguar went her boss said "You think i'm gonna believe a fox." Those scenes were like a step back in time to the civil rights era. The scene when they were in the ice cream parlor reminded me of all the pictures I have seen where black people were not allowed in certain  restaurants.
             The movie also parodied the movie The Godfather, and what a day at the Dmv is like. The scene where Judy and Nick are took in in to meet Mr. Big is a parody of the scene from the Godfather. The polar bears are wearing black suits the lighting is dark , and violins are playing in the background. Mr Big says to them you come to me on the day of my daughters wedding", which is a popular line form the movie. Mr. Big even has an accent like they have in the movie.The parodied the Dmv by having sloths as the employees. The movie is eluding to the fact of how slow the Dmv is. There was long lines like the Dmv has, and the sloth was taking forever to give them one thing. By the time they got what they wanted is was night time.

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