Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jalen Brewer Post #3

Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes”

I have hand-picked this image because I can personally relate to it. The image shortly gives the public a view of what it is like to be a young person of color in America.  Unfortunately, many young black men and women have had experiences with higher authority, and lately, the result seems to be the same no matter the dilemma.  Upon looking at this image for the first time, I immediately noticed the fear in the young man’s eyes, his hand gesture, and the police officers in the background. 

            First, this picture was taken at a peaceful protest in Ferguson, Missouri.  Obviously, the young boy is a black man fearful for his future.  After analyzing the image, I can conclude that he has come to terms with being African American and all of the baggage that comes along with it.  His facial expression signifies his true feelings toward the highest authority: frustration and manipulation.  Although he realizes what it is like, the young man still remains optimistic and hopeful, not just for himself, but for all young men and women of color and that is evident as he is seen praying.  I think this is a perfect representation of our society and how younger generations are maturing and aging into a tough world.  

            Finally, the police officers in the background are noticeable.  They are pictured wearing body armor in the event that is something is to happen.  Even farther back, police vehicles and their sirens are going off.  Generally speaking, blue and red lights continuously flashing is very intimidating to many people because it seems like somebody will soon be apprehended.  Even though this was a peaceful protest, the police still felt the need to make their presence felt.  In fact, the policemen all look tough and ready for war.  The officer to the left of the young man’s shoulder is holding a baton while glaring at protestors with a threatening facial expression.  This stunning image successfully portrays the fight that many African American’s have to endure with the officers of the law.

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