Friday, October 21, 2016

Jamie Schwartz Blog Post #3

For this week's blog post I wanted to analyze a picture that captures the destruction that was caused very recently by Hurricane Matthew. The picture above was taken in Jeremie, the capital city of Haiti, which was hit by the storm and virtually destroyed, leaving nearly 1300 Haitian people dead or missing, and over 35,000 more homeless in the wake of the tragedy. For some reason, Haiti seems to be a magnet for natural disasters, being hit by 11 hurricanes and tropical storms since 2002 and 1 massive earthquake in 2010. In the picture above, you can see an up close perspective at the damage caused by the storm. While one can see the total damage done to the country from a plane's point of view, this picture has much more shock value to it. Just looking at this man and woman lost for words at the complete disappearance of their home evokes many emotions from the viewer. This picture's purpose is to show the world how much damage has been done, but more importantly to make people feel empathy for the suffering Haitian people. The image does not have to try very hard in accomplishing its goal. Everything about accurately presents an idea of the situation. The dark storm clouds, the fallen trees brought down by raging winds, the pink rubble on the ground which was once a part of these people's home, and the doorway to their home being the only part that remains. I sincerely hope that Haiti receives the aid it needs to rebuild, and that future disasters avoid them.

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