Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jimmy's 3rd post

    Why the sad face? Shark species across the globe are currently threatened by a number of problems, including shark fin demand, accidental capture, and illegal fishing. Even though these creatures are apex predators in the sea, humans have become the biggest threat to their existence. In order to keep sharks swimming in our oceans, we are addressing the dangers against them by campaigning for legislative action and educating people of all ages on why they are important to our planet. 

   Sharks have been caught and utilized for a very long time, but their meat was regarded as low value and the demand were too small to substantially impact the populations. The shark fishing industry underwent several booms in the early 20th century, for example in the 40s and 50s when the demand for shark liver oil exploded. The oil vontaining high amounts of vitamin A was used as a food supplement. Besides the liver oil, their cartilage is marketed as a health supplement and was long believed to help cure cancer. People thought and still think sharks cannot sicken on cancer, A myth which nowadays has been proven wrong with common sighting of sharks with tumors. Furthermore, shark skin can be used to produce leather and teeth as well as jaws have an ornamental value all around the world.
   We think that sharks are scary, but they might think in the same way to us.

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