Thursday, September 8, 2016

Hong Lyu Post #1

          Dogs are the best friends of human being. Can you imagine that your dogs actually can understand your words? Words are the basic building blocks of human languages. Human understand speech through both vocabulary and intonation. In human Brain, it's mainly the left hemisphere's job to process word meaning, and the right hemisphere's job to process intonation. The brain not only analysis, but also combine these two types of information into a unified meaning. Recently the scientists found out that dogs actually use the similar brain mechanisms as we do. The team trained thirteen dogs to lay completely motionless in a brain scanner, measured their brain activity as they listened to their trainer's speech. Dogs were exposed to recordings of their trainers' voices as the trainers spoke to them using multiple combinations of vocabulary and intonation, in both praising and neutral ways. the scientists found that the dogs relied on both word meaning and intonation when processing the reward value of utterances.
         This research contributes to the language evolution, selective forces make the dogs become smarter and smarter. As the expert said, "This research sheds new light on the emergence of words during language evolution". Although dogs can't speak, but this doesn't mean that they don't have emotions. Guide dogs bring the light to blinds' world, dogs lying on baby's body in order to protect them from fire, dogs cry and even pass out when they saw their owner come back home since they separate for years...there are so many examples can prove that dogs are good friends of human being. Dogs can understand human's languages through domestication, the communication between human and dogs is no longer a problem, which makes people have more confidence in dogs.

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