Sunday, September 18, 2016

Recently Released Video Shows Cop Fire at a Car full of Teenagers (

Video Link:

Just recently, Officer Marco Proano, age 41, was indicted on several charges surrounding an incident that happened in 2013. On December 22nd , Proano confronted a car full of black teenagers who were speeding. The driver of the car attempted to drive off and escape. Instead of  chasing  after them and calling for backup, Proano cocked his gun and fired multiple shots at the car. Two of the passengers were hit and wounded. The strange thing is, this video was kept hidden by city government officials until the judge presiding over the case decided to release it because it was very disturbing to watch. Another interesting fact is that Proano is being charged with many civil rights violations, which is very rare for an officer.

While its hard for me to say if the incident was racially charged, its obvious that the way Proano reacted was completely different from how an officer should react in such a situation. An officer should only pull out a weapon to protect themselves or to defend another person, which is something that he also lied about that was not present in the video.  And with the police brutality being a hot button issue, incidents like these only widen the gap of trust between law enforcement and citizens. But what do you think? Should Proano have civil rights charges against him? Was it right for the city officials to hide the video from the public?

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