Thursday, September 8, 2016



  Wu Hongyu, 20, a student at Guangdong University of Technology in Guangzhou, China, saw someone stealing a classmate's motorcycle on the campus, according to the Guangdong New Express Daily. Wu got on his own bike and attempted to chase the individual, but was severely injured when the two bikes collided; he died from his injuries in a hospital shortly afterward. The police eventually arrested the alleged thief, and the government of Guangzhou posthumously gave Wu a "Courageous Citizen" award for his bravery.

   According to a screenshot of a group chat between Wu and his friends, Wu had been greatly anticipating the launch of Overwatch. "Is anyone else really waiting for the launch tomorrow?" he asked his friends. Wu died May 23, the day before Overwatch was released.
   Lijiang Tower is one of the maps for the Control gametype in Overwatch. As you can see in the screenshot above, Blizzard added the name Hongyu, in Chinese, to one of the spacesuits on the red side of the map.
  The final messages in the screenshot come from after Wu’s death are well wishes from his friends. “See u again,” says one. Another makes a reference to Captain America, something else Wu was a big fan of. “Thank you for spending the last year with us. I hope you find eternal happiness on the other side!” says another.
     Blizzard as a gaming company, that is the best they can do. And for this, I will always be a Blizzard fan.


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